Friday, February 17, 2012

Treadmill Training

The treadmill... I know, I know... the dread-mill. It's not quite the same as the beautiful outdoors, can't let the wind catch your hair or breathe in the fresh air. What the treadmill does offer is an alternative way to get that run/walk done. Let's look at it as a valuable training tool that allows you to get specific with your speed, incline, and form. I use the treadmill for exactly that, spending miles not just on intervals but also concentrating on form every week. The above link is an article posted on by Dave Scott, 6-time IronMan World Champion. It's a pretty good article and a darn good workout! I performed this workout with my running/walking gym peeps for the past 2 weeks, 1st week as stated in the article and 2nd week reversed. It's a great combination of speed and hills, you'll definitely feel it! So... get your dig deep music going, find your STRONG, and get it done!
  • Warm Up: 8-12 minutes at 1.5 to 2 percent grade, starting off with a slow jog. In the last 3-5 minutes of the warm-up, gradually increase to your standard aerobic speed (outside pace). This gives your heart rate time to catch up. (Note: HR is not a good indicator until you’ve been running for about 15-20 minutes.) Once at aerobic speed, you’re ready to go into the first set
  • First Set: 6x2 minutes on a hill with 1-minute rest intervals; effort should be moderately hard at the offset
    • 45 seconds at 5 percent grade (don’t change speed)
    • 45 seconds at 6 percent grade (don’t change speed)
    • 30 seconds at 7 percent grade (don’t change speed)
    • 1 minute rest interval at 2 percent grade (remain at your aerobic pace; don’t go down to a softer speed)
    • Repeat 5-8 more times
  • Second Set (leg turnover): 8-12x20 seconds at 0-.5 percent grade; you should be working at a sub-threshold pace. Segments are short to avoid unnecessary stress.
    • Run for 20 seconds with good balance, symmetry and control; it’s not a flat out sprint.
    • Jump off belt and straddle the treadmill for 20 seconds
    • Jump back on for 20 seconds
    • Repeat this sequence 8-12 times
  • Third Set (if time permits): Run steady at aerobic pace for 12-20 minutes (1.5-2 percent grade).
  • Extra Credit: Repeat sets 1 (with slight modification) and 2.
    • Set 1 (modification): 6x1 minute on hills from 5- to 7-percent grades. Effort should be moderately hard to hard at the end. Include a rest interval of 1 minute between each round.
    • Set 2: Same leg turnover set at 8x20 seconds
  • Cool Down

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dig Deep Music Playlist

I am constantly looking for new music, songs that will motivate my gym peeps for spin, cross train, or running. I have come across a gazillion songs! My personal playlist... you know when you need to bring it on, suck it up, dig deep, lose your weak... that's my playlist. Below are some songs on my list now that are motivating me through tough training. Try a few the next time you need to find your STRONG!

Renegade - Daughtry
When We Stand Together - Nickelback
Titanium (feat. Sia) - David Guetta
I'm a Machine (feat. Crystal Nicole) - David Guetta
Feel It (Three 6 Mafia vs. Tiesto) - Three 6 Mafia
Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay) - Shinedown
All In - Lifehouse
Closer to the Edge - 30 Seconds to Mars
Rip It Up - Jet
Pure Rock you - Fissunix's bootleg

*Leave a comment and tell me your favorite dig deep song.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nothing can prepare you for TOTW, but TOTW.

In triathlon there is a saying, 'nothing can prepare you for an ocean swim, but an ocean swim'. In trail running, 'nothing can prepare you for TOTW, but TOTW'. Top Of The World is a challenging climb that puts you on a power-line roller coaster to an elevation of 1150 feet over 1.5 miles (I'm estimating from my Garmin).  It was a great challenge for a road runner - newbie trail runner and definitely a highlight of the SweetH2O Sweetheart race this Saturday. I loved every arduous minute of it!

The SweetH2O Sweetheart Half was held in Sweetwater State Park, Georgia by the Douglas County Rogue Runners. They put on a great race and the volunteers were outstanding. I had a blast! The course offered a perfect blend of challenging climbs and serene forest. Top Of the World peak was an experience in itself, one that strangely has me wanting more of that beast. My favorite part of the course was around mile 10 where the trail turned serene. I found my self alone, smiling, and feeling like I was 12 years old running through the woods again.  I participated in this race to check out the course that will be doubled (+5miles) for the SweetH2O 50k race in April. I took it as a training run with no expectations, and came home as 4th place female finisher! They even gave me a coffee mug trophy. I'll be back in April, finding my STRONG for TOTW x 2. Where are you finding your STRONG?

Friday, February 3, 2012

TRX Sample Workout

Now that you have read about TRX, here is a sample full body circuit workout you can try. Include a 10 minute warmup and end with stretching. *As always, make sure you are cleared with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.
Perform each exercise for 30sec. with a 30sec. recovery and each circuit 2-3x.
Circuit 1:
1. TRX jump squat
2. Chair/bench dips
3. TRX Plank

Circuit 2:
1. TRX 1 legged squat (R 30", L 30")
2. TRX rows
3. Crunches

Circuit 3:
1. TRX hamstring curls
2. TRX Pushup
3. Bicycle crunches