Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Starting With the Backside

Over the next few posts, I am going to offer some information and exercises that runner's should consider for injury prevention and improved performance. Not a runner? This information can help anyone that is active or wants to improve one's functionality in daily life.

#1: The Gluteus Medius... yep... the top portion of your backside. 

Pain in the Butt: Gluteus Medius and it's role in running related injuries by Dr. John Howell, DC

One of the most common injuries or cause of injuries in runners that I see at Pearl Health Center  is Gluteus Medius weakness, resulting in this muscle becoming strained, tightened and/or leading to specific Gluteus Medius injury or compensatory injuries down the kinetic chain such as the knees or even into the feet and ankles. Strengthening this important stabilizer will help decrease the majority of running overuse injuries and may be one of the most important active components to helping improve biomechanically efficient running technique.

One of the main functions of the Gluteus Medius is its role as a pelvic dynamic stabilizer.  This is apparent when looking at the mechanism of a Trendelenburg Gait, which is when a person's walk is marked with a lurch to one side to compensate for weakness in the Gluteus Medius.   The role of the gluteus medius during activities such as walking and running is to dynamically stabilize the pelvis in a neutral position during single leg stance.  As you can see in the photo below, weakness of the right gluteus medius will cause the left hip to drop when standing on the right limb.  
Weak Gluteus muscles can lead to a severe difference in your gait.
Due to the inward rotation of the femur this can cause excessive pronation of the affected foot. As a result the athlete is at increased risk of any condition relating to excessive and/or prolonged pronation of the foot, such as medial tibial stress syndrome or Achilles tendinitis.

In addition, the role of the gluteus medius as an external rotator of the hip when the hip is in a position of flexion is also important to consider. These factors together are likely why dysfunction of this muscle is commonly found in several pathologies, such as iliotibial band, patellofemoral injuries, ACL, and ankle injuries.

The gluteus medius causes running injuries for many athletes. Because you run on one leg at a time, a weak gluteus medius will always cause running mechanics problems and injuries. It is extremely important to keep your hips and glutes conditioned all year.

Next post... exercises to strengthen the Gluteus Medius.

*Dr. John Howell, DC is a chiropractic physician that specializes in running related injuries.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What's Happening, What's Coming Soon

Well, it has been a while since I last posted on here. In fact, over a month! After the Iron Horse race, I took a small break in training to recover, started a new job, resigned from a previous job, and am working hard directing my first race, The Big Squeeze 5k. All this while being a wife and mother of 3! As you can see, I've been a little busy, but now I'm back at it! I just ran the Publix Atlanta Marathon, super awesome race by the way, and getting ready for another super awesome race, Operation Endurance 12 hour. I really wanted to try the 24 hour and get that 100 miles that is eluding me, but the ol' girls (my hips) aren't quite up for it yet.

Speaking of hips...

Strengthening the hips and the roll they play in runners is actually the first of several posts I will be writing to help runners minimize weaknesses and assist in injury prevention.


Stay tuned!!!