Really?!!!!!! No!!!!!!! This is not what I expected at this point in my run!!!!! I tapered, I carbed, I rested, I was pumped going into this thing. What is going on? 15 miles in my 50 mile quest and I'm just not feeling the love. Good lord!... I just Boosted and carbed... I've got to burn all those calories! My hips are so stinkin' achy, my knee is tweekin' out, my motivation dips... it is going to be a long day.
The Black Mountain Monster 12/24 hour Endurance Run Is held at the Montreat College's Black Mountain Campus in North Carolina. The 5k loop course is a combination of wide grassy trails, simple wooded single track, asphalt (.5 miles), fields, and an occasional dirt road. It is such a diverse course, you feel like you are running through a new ecosystem every half mile. Each loop ends/begins at "tent city", an open field set up with runners/spectators tents and gear. My
GUTS group sets up a couple of tents with tables of water and munchies, along with their personal gear. This was the spot of the real par-tay!!!
Coolest people, ever! |
Suck it up Rachel! You are not a quitter! Keep moving forward!!!!!
I keep trudging along, looking forward to each loop for a snack, water, or smile from a fellow GUTS friend. The camaraderie among the group is unbelievable. Each are on a quest, yet each take moments to encourage and support others, realizing the importance of individual goals. Shouldn't it be this way all the time in life? I keep looping around remembering that after breaking through walls, personal greatness is accomplished. I ran silent, ran deep. Taking myself on a journey.
Mile 30-ish,
ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... found my groove, found my zone, found the love.
Pic thanks to Jim Bickelhaupt |
What was the catalyst for the turn of events? Tapping into that deep place in my soul I wrote about in my last post. Having these spiritual experiences out on the trail is transforming and changes the tide, running becomes secondary. It takes concentration, focus, and relentless searching to arrive at this peace, but the reward is great. I felt a rhythm in my stride, joy in my heart, and a smile on my face. There were times my body sent me the message to letup, but I didn't want to stop, my peace was impenetrable. 40-ish miles in and I could taste victory. My pace quickened, I knew I would surpass my goal, and I wanted time for a victory lap. I wasn't settling for 50 anymore. Time came for the victory lap and time for my celebratory-secret weapon treat.... double-fisted-Krispy Kreme-glazed-doughnuts. They never tasted so freakin' good! At this point it was dark outside and the sugar kicked me in gear to complete my 18th loop in 11 hours 50 minutes. I ran by the GUTS tent for the last time yelling, "I got mine!". My 50+ ultra badge, a cool feeling.
Results... 56 miles, 2nd place tie 12 hour female!!!! Now for the 100k...
My strength and mile markers |
I know this will sound like an acceptance speech for the famous (trust me, I am humbled by many accomplishing more than myself), but I must express my gratitude... Special thanks to GUTS, you helped me achieve my goal in such a fun way. I am grateful for all your encouraging words, they inject a rush to the running spirit. You all ROCK on an epic level! Jim Bickelhaupt, I know you would have loved to been running, but your smile and support at base camp helped so many of us. Especially grateful for my husband, Peter, for holding down the fort for me to go on a personal journey. He never complained or gave me grief. I loved his many encouraging texts, especially "Go baby go!". God lifted me and gave me strength through His joy.