The treadmill... I know, I know... the dread-mill. It's not quite the same as the beautiful outdoors, can't let the wind catch your hair or breathe in the fresh air. What the treadmill does offer is an alternative way to get that run/walk done. Let's look at it as a valuable training tool that allows you to get specific with your speed, incline, and form. I use the treadmill for exactly that, spending miles not just on intervals but also concentrating on form every week. The above link is an article posted on by Dave Scott, 6-time IronMan World Champion. It's a pretty good article and a darn good workout! I performed this workout with my running/walking gym peeps for the past 2 weeks, 1st week as stated in the article and 2nd week reversed. It's a great combination of speed and hills, you'll definitely feel it! So... get your dig deep music going, find your STRONG, and get it done!
- Warm Up: 8-12 minutes at 1.5 to 2 percent grade, starting off with a slow jog. In the last 3-5 minutes of the warm-up, gradually increase to your standard aerobic speed (outside pace). This gives your heart rate time to catch up. (Note: HR is not a good indicator until you’ve been running for about 15-20 minutes.) Once at aerobic speed, you’re ready to go into the first set
- First Set: 6x2 minutes on a hill with 1-minute rest intervals; effort should be moderately hard at the offset
- 45 seconds at 5 percent grade (don’t change speed)
- 45 seconds at 6 percent grade (don’t change speed)
- 30 seconds at 7 percent grade (don’t change speed)
- 1 minute rest interval at 2 percent grade (remain at your aerobic pace; don’t go down to a softer speed)
- Repeat 5-8 more times
- Second Set (leg turnover): 8-12x20 seconds at 0-.5 percent grade; you should be working at a sub-threshold pace. Segments are short to avoid unnecessary stress.
- Run for 20 seconds with good balance, symmetry and control; it’s not a flat out sprint.
- Jump off belt and straddle the treadmill for 20 seconds
- Jump back on for 20 seconds
- Repeat this sequence 8-12 times
- Third Set (if time permits): Run steady at aerobic pace for 12-20 minutes (1.5-2 percent grade).
- Extra Credit: Repeat sets 1 (with slight modification) and 2.
- Set 1 (modification): 6x1 minute on hills from 5- to 7-percent grades. Effort should be moderately hard to hard at the end. Include a rest interval of 1 minute between each round.
- Set 2: Same leg turnover set at 8x20 seconds
- Cool Down